Gang Beasts v0.4.4
Gang Beasts is a silly local multiplayer* party game with surly gelatinous characters, brutal mêlée fight sequences, and absurdly hazardous environments.
Watch in horror and amusement as gangs of floppy antagonists grab, push, pull, and shove their enemies from permanently suspended window-cleaning scaffolds, unattended ferris wheels, and commercial haulage trucks.
Gasp with shock and delight at the spectacle of stupidly pugnacious thugs punching, kicking, and throwing their foes into unspecified hazardous machinery, flaming incinerator pits, and the paths of moving trains.
* Support for online multiplayer game modes is in testing in the 'unstable' Steam Early Access builds but is not available in the default Steam Early Access game currently ('unstable' builds are accessed by selecting "Unstable - Most recent fixes / content builds" from the BETAS tab of the Gang Beasts game properties in the Steam Client).